Tuesday 4 October 2011

October 4th ..... I think and my first blog yay!

  So today was quite intresting woken to up at 7AM to my mum shouting "josh get up right now" so i quickly got up to avoid a repeat of the peircing sound of my mums voice. I  then went to do the usually get a wash, brush my teeth with this horrible tooth paste that stings my gums (its a antiseptic one), did my hair then made a brew ready for jerremy kyle to be reminded of the state of some people in this country although on the up side it reminded me some people have lifes which are much worse than mine just because I get up at 7 haha. Once jeremy kyle had finished I made my way for my friend kayleigh house looking as rough as a bears bum as ya do at 7:30 in the morning thinking i was then going to have a slow walk to the bus with her but boy was I wrong she continuously sang what makes you beautiful down my ears then made me walk to Mc dDonalds with her whilst I was eating healthy and ate a huge sausage and bean mc muffin (cheers kayleigh ! ) then things started to look up after a big hug from my other dear friend Abbie just to be let down by a shaking bus and rattling bus ( I thought it was gonna tip over ) which honestly probaly cost £20 of a auction and the bus driver came as part of a Buy One Get One Free deal that is actully how bad this bus is but for twenty pence to take me all the way to school who could moan. So I arrive at school thinking I have an alright day to find out I read the wrong week in my timetable I actully had Maths,RE,Maths then double French. French is by far the worst as I dont really get on with the people to say it kindly there not my time of people although some of my friends say there stuck up their own arse but once you get to know them you find out they just want to do well I mean who doesn. So after my day of hard work I came home to Big Brother And a tub of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Oh Yess !

My Local Mc Donalds                            My school

1 comment:

  1. not bad dude :)
    check out my blog here
    you'll get some ideas
    do follow it

