Thursday 27 October 2011


We cant deny bullying is all around us whether its at school, work or our neighbourhood. Bullying can severely destroy a persons confidence about themselves. It can also be very dangerous as it can lead to suicide. Sometimes the bully is totally unaware of the harm he or she is causing until its too late. If you think you may be thought of as bully think "how would I feel if someone was treating me as I treat others". In the modern day world there are many forms of bullying whether its Verbal, Physical, Mental or Cyber all of which you may think is a joke although the person who is getting bullied is living a nightmare and is too afraid to tell anyone.

If you are getting bullied there are people you can talk to Worldwide

Here are my recommendations:

  • Childline 08001111 (UK)
  • Talk to a teacher, older sibling or parent (Worldwide)
  • You can email me if you wish and I will give you the best advise I can (Worldwide)

Thank you for reading my blog hope it helps !

If you would like to contact me or to leave feedback use my email address ( )


  1. Totally agree with you, don't know what happend to the girls but saw the black eyes! You talk of reporting bullies, I was a victim of being bullied by tutors at college, Vicky Pearson, Sandra Wilkinson, Nicola Scheel, were only to mention a few who victimized me and corprately bullied me and caused me a 5 yr set back in my career. No one (none of them) have as yet punnished for the lies they told about me or what they did to me and I still suffer today because of their victimization of me! So, I know what it is like to be bullied! same reason why I don't like Lidya or her mother for the way they put Arg down or Lauren and how she talks about Sam behind her back! But you with your blog made me realise, my comments about Lidya and her mum putting Arg down and Lauren talking about Sam, is kind of making me look as if I am being nasty, when I truely am not,, just frustrated at the way they go on!! But thanx for what you said, I've taken a step back and will as a result think about what I am saying!! x

  2. thanks for commenting and i am really sorry to hear about that and I am extremely glad you have took on board what I Have wrote. Remember if you need anything email my address is up on my post

    Josh hughes (author)
